Druid has an open submissions policy. Druid accepts plays it receives in the English language from Irish, UK and other European or Europe based writers regardless of the writer’s level of experience.
What is your preferred method of script submission (e.g. full scripts, 10-page extracts, synopses)?
Scripts must be submitted as a finished draft and will be assessed on that understanding. Synopses or treatments are accepted only if submitted with the accompanying completed play.
Do you prefer hard copy (if so, to what address) or electronic submission (if so, to what email)?
Submit your script by mail only. We will not accept emailed or faxed scripts except by prior arrangement.
What should writers expect if they send a script to you? (E.g. written acknowledgement, length of time between submission and response, feedback, etc.)
Writers should expect an emailed / written acknowledgement upon receipt of the play. A response should be expected within six to eight months. Due to the volume of scripts Druid receives it is not always possible for Druid to provide detailed critiques to all playwrights who submit to us.
Is there a designated point of contact in your company for new writing (e.g. a resident dramaturg or literary manager)?
Writers submitting their work to Druid are asked to send it by post to: New Writing Associate, Druid, Flood Street, Galway.
What structures does your company generally employ when working on new writing (commissions, workshops, readings, work-in-progress presentations, one-on-one dramaturgical meetings, etc.)?
Druid is a writers’ theatre with a track record for premiering new plays of international stature. Druid is committed to producing those plays that are vital and challenging for the contemporary theatre. The open submissions process is very much bound into the heart of that commitment. For the open submissions process, a reading panel assists the Artistic Director and the New Writing Associate is assessing submissions and ensures that a range of perspectives are brought to bear on each play. The open submissions process takes its place alongside commissions, workshops, mentoring, public readings and other playwright development initiatives in Druid’s tireless endeavours to bring new work to the contemporary stage.