Ensemble Studio Theatre
New York, USA
Does your company accept unsolicited scripts? What is your preferred method of script submission (e.g. full scripts, 10-page extracts, synopses)? Do you prefer hard copy (if so, to what address) or electronic submission (if so, to what email)?
We only accept unsolicited work for certain programs. Our submission guidelines and specific program info are on our website: http://ensemblestudiotheatre.org/play-submissions What should writers expect if they send a script to you? (E.g. written acknowledgement, length of time between submission and response, feedback, etc.) If a writer submits to one of our programs within the designated time frame, they will receive an acknowledgement email within a few weeks. We do not have the staff resources to respond to other submissions. What structures does your company generally employ when working on new writing (commissions, workshops, readings, work-in-progress presentations, one-on-one dramaturgical meetings, etc.)? Our development program involves readings and workshops and is tailored to the needs of each specific project. Do you accept scripts from playwrights based in Ireland? We're happy to accept submissions from international writers. |