Fishamble: The New Play Company
Does your company accept unsolicited scripts? What is your preferred method of script submission (e.g. full scripts, 10-page extracts, synopses)? Do you prefer hard copy (if so, to what address) or electronic submission (if so, to what email)?
Fishamble offers dramaturgical support and advice to new and developing playwrights. We welcome manuscript submissions of new, original dramatic work and appreciate the time, effort and the act of creation that goes into writing a play.
What should writers expect if they send a script to you? (E.g. written acknowledgement, length of time between submission and response, feedback, etc.)
Is there a designated point of contact in your company for new writing (e.g. a resident dramaturg or literary manager)? Gavin Kostick Literary Officer Fishamble: The New Play Company Shamrock Chambers 1-2 Eustace Street Dublin 2 For further queries on Fishamble’s dramaturgical support, please e-mail Gavin at [email protected] or call 01 670 4018. What structures does your company generally employ when working on new writing (commissions, workshops, readings, work-in-progress presentations, one-on-one dramaturgical meetings, etc.) Fishamble works in flexible and varied ways with writers according to each project from developing works from commission via regular meetings and in-house play development readings of commissioned works to production. Fishamble offers a range of courses and mentoring schemes which you can read about here: and you can find out more by being joining the mailing list via [email protected] Fishamble may support writers/companies who have a production planned via the New Play Clinic, which you can read about here: Fishamble supports performers to create their own tourable work via Show in a Bag which you can read about here: Show in a Bag is in partnership with The Irish Theatre Institute and Dublin Fringe. What kind of new writing is your company interested in? Fishamble produces work that is of primary interest to audiences in Ireland. Fishamble encourages artists who are looking to communicate their original dramatic visions with a wider public. It might be worth writers taking some time to look at our website to see the range of work the company has produced in recent years. |