Green Shoot Productions
Does your company accept unsolicited scripts? What is your preferred method of script submission (e.g. full scripts, 10-page extracts, synopses)? Do you prefer hard copy (if so, to what address) or electronic submission (if so, to what email)?
We do not accept unsolicited scripts. If a writer has an idea/script, he/she should send an email to Martin Lynch: [email protected] giving a brief outline of the idea/script along with a short biog of the writer and they will receive a response. What should writers expect if they send a script to you? (E.g. written acknowledgement, length of time between submission and response, feedback, etc.) No one should send a full script without going through the process above. Is there a designated point of contact in your company for new writing (e.g. a resident dramaturg or literary manager)? Martin Lynch, Artistic Director What structures does your company generally employ when working on new writing (commissions, workshops, readings, work-in-progress presentations, one-on-one dramaturgical meetings, etc.)? A commission, followed by one-to-one dramaturgical meetings. What kind of new writing is your company interested in? Scripts with strong political or social conscience themes that have distinct Northern Ireland connections. It is unlikely we will produce scripts requiring more than 6 actors. |