Gúna Nua
Does your company accept unsolicited scripts? What is your preferred method of script submission (e.g. full scripts, 10-page extracts, synopses)? Do you prefer hard copy (if so, to what address) or electronic submission (if so, to what email)?
We do accept unsolicited scripts and we prefer an electronic submission of the full script ([email protected]) but a hard copy is fine. What should writers expect if they send a script to you? (E.g. written acknowledgement, length of time between submission and response, feedback, etc.) Due to a lack of resources we don't provide feedback or enter into conversations about unsolicited scripts. We do read them though but only make contact if we are thinking of producing or developing the script. Is there a designated point of contact in your company for new writing (e.g. a resident dramaturg or literary manager)? Paul Meade - Artistic Director What structures does your company generally employ when working on new writing (commissions, workshops, readings, work-in-progress presentations, one-on-one dramaturgical meetings, etc.)? We have in the past commissioned plays, workshopped plays, presented works in progress, held readings and had one-on-one dramaturgical meetings. The process depends on the work and the resources available at the time. What kind of new writing is your company interested in? Mainly plays that speak to today's audience. Gúna Nua is interested in plays that are contemporary in thinking and reflect the concerns and interests of the time. |