Other Resources
General resources that may be of use to playwrights
Playwrights' Center (USA)
The Playwrights’ Center is a company in Minnesota that champions playwrights and new plays to build upon a living theater that demands new and innovative works. Their Playwriting Toolkit offers articles to guide playwrights through the nuts and bolts of playwriting and the theater industry. This toolkit is aimed at theatre artists based in the USA, but also contains useful tips and resources for all playwrights.
International Centre for Women Playwrights
The International Centre for Women Playwrights is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting women playwrights around the world. The ICWP began in 1988 in Buffalo, New York, with the mission of supporting and promoting women playwrights around the world and bringing attention to their works. Initiatives include the 50/50 Applause Awards, which increases awareness and applauds theatres who produced a season with an equal or greater number of plays written by female playwrights, given to theatres internationally who have met the qualifying criteria. ICWP publishes anthologies of scripts for plays, monologues from plays and script extracts by members and non-members. Website resources include the Member Directory and Listserv discussion list.